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Selected Presentations

Complete list | Public Understanding | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Soil & Sand | Materials & Surfaces | Abhesion & Slip | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Superhydrophobicity & Acoustic Waves | Acoustic Wave Sensors | SAW Theory | Selected Others

Presentations 2009

"Immersed superhydrophobic surfaces: Anti-fouling and drag reduction surfaces".
A talk discussing experiments on plastrons and underwater respiration, protein adsorption and slip, at Biomimetic FSFI international workshop, University of Nottingham, UK. September 2009.

File: "Drag Nottingham September 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobicity, spreading and imbibition".
An invited keynote talk on superhydrophobicity and superspreading, at the Biomimetic FSFI international workshop, University of Nottingham, UK. September 2009.

File: "UoN Keynote September 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"The absolute hydrophilic nature of all solids (including Teflon®)".
A talk on the definition of hydrophobic/hydrophilic surfaces and their relationship to adhesion, and explaining droplet wrapping when smooth or rough solids have low bending energy, at the Bubble & Droplets Workshop. Thessalonika, Greece. September 2009.

File: "Hydrophilic B and D September 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

An invited talk discussing how superhydrophobic principles can be used to create anti-adhesive surfaces, for the Society for Adhesion and Adhesives, at The Society of Chemical Industry, London, UK. April 2009.

File: "Abhesion April 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Water: A tale of two surfaces".
A public understanding of science discussion at the Café Scientifique, Nottingham, UK. March 2009.

File: "Nottingham Cafe Scientifique March 2009.pdf"

"Wetting and adhesion: Topography and surface free energy considerations".
An invited talk discussing how surface topography can be used to create anti-adhesive surfaces, for the Annual Meeting of the US Adhesion Society. Savannah, USA. February 2009.

File: "Adhesion February 2009 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2008

"Water: A tale of two surfaces".
A public Professorial talk at Nottingham Trent University, UK. November 2008.

File: "Professorial Talk November 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Resonant oscillations of liquid marbles".
A talk on the excitation of vibrational modes of liquid marbles using an electrowetting type configuration. Electrowetting Workshop, Los Angeles, USA. August 2008.

File: "EWOD UCLA August 2008.pdf"

"Superhydrophobicity, spreading and imbibition".
A seminar for researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Capri, USA. July 2008.

File: "UMass July 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobicity: Localized parameters and gradient surfaces".
A talk on the theoretical concepts underlying superhydrophobic surfaces, at the 6th International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability & Adhesion, at the University of Maine. July 2008.

File: "Contact Angle July 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Wetting, microarrays and unilateral MRI".
A talk on wetting and the use of NMR for microarrays at the Institute of Physics, Printing and Packaging Group Meeting. London, UK. July 2008.

File: "Printing and Packaging July 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Unilateral NMR of activated carbon".
A talk on gas adsorption measurements using bench-top one-sided NMR given at an international symposium on the characterisation of porous solids. Edinburgh, UK. June 2008.

File: "Unilateral NMR June 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Quartz crystal resonator with a superhydrophobic surface".
A talk to the IEEE-FCS on the response of a quartz crystal resonator with a superhydrophobic surface, Geneva, Switzerland. June 2007.

File: "IEEE FCS June 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

An introduction for researchers at the EU Cost P21 Physics of Droplets Training Meeting, Capri, Italy. May 2008.

File: "COSTP21 May 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Sensor response of superhydrophobic quartz crystal resonators".
An invited talk to the IEEE-FCS on the decoupling of acoustic wave and quartz crystal resonator responses induced by a superhydrophobic surface state, Hawaii, USA. May 2008.

File: "SHQCM May 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Characterising ionic liquids using the quartz crystal microbalance".
A talk describing work on developing an integrated acoustic wave sensor on a multifunctional chip for determining physical properties of ionic liquids. Hawaii, USA. May 2008.

File: "IL May 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Characterising ionic liquids using the quartz crystal microbalance".
A talk at the US Electrochemical Society meeting describing quartz crystal microbalance measurements of viscosity-density products of ionic liquids. Phoenix, USA. May 2008.

File: "ECS IL QCM May 2008.pdf"

"Super water-repellent surfaces".
An outreach talk at Grantham & Kesteven School, Nottinghamshire, UK. March 2008.

File: "Grantham School March 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Leeds University, UK. February 2008.

File: "Leeds Seminar February 2008.pdf"

"Overview of acoustic wave sensors".
An invited overview talk describing NTU work on acoustic wave sensors at a company in the UK. January 2008.

File: "Acoustic Wave Sensors Overview January 2008 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2007

"Quantitative monitoring of liquid ingress in heterogeneous layered materials using a Mobile Universal Surface Explorer (MOUSE®)".
An talk on measurements of liquid penetration into super-repellent fabrics given at an international conference on magnetic resonance microscopy. Aachen, Germany. September 2007.

File: "NMR September 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic materials: Properties & surfaces".
A talk on the NTU research on superhydrophobic surfaces, at a meeting on Mesoscale Modelling of Complex Fluids, Oxford, UK. June 2007.

File: "Mesoscale Modelling June 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"From infiltrating droplets to rolling balls".
An invited talk on superhydrophobicity on reconfigurable surfaces, at the Bouyoucos Conference, Florida, USA. April 2007.

File: "Bouyoucos April 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Passive and active actuation of droplet motion".
A talk on the use of gradient superhydrophobic surfaces and electrowetting of droplets and liquid marbles to move droplets/marbles. EU COST P21 meeting, Granada, Spain. March 2007.

File: "Droplet Actuation B and D Granada March 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Oxford University, UK. March 2007.

File: "Oxford Seminar March 2007 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2006

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A short overview talk of research in the Nottingham group given at the inaugural COST P21 meeting in Darmstadt, Germany. December 2006.

File: "COST P21 Darmstadt December 2006.pdf"

"Wetting of hydrophobic beads and sand".
A talk on superhydrophobicity on reconfigurable surfaces, at the European Science Foundation Solid-Fluid Interfaces Meeting, Obergurgl, Austria. September 2006.

File: "ESF Solid Fluid Interfaces September 2006 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"
Weblink: European Science Foundation

"Layer-guided acoustic plate modes for MHC-peptide screening".
A talk to the IEEE-FCS describing an acoustic wave system for cancer vaccine screening. Florida, USA. June 2006.

File: "IEEE June 2006 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Wetting of surfaces".
An invited tutorial at the BioSensors Pre-Congress Workshop on "The Practise of Microarray Technology" describing how wetting properties might influence microarray accuracy. Toronto, Canada. May 2006.

File: "Biosensors May 2006 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Electrowetting on superhydrophobic surfaces".
A talk on the electrowetting response of droplets on superhydrophobic surfaces and of liquid marbles in an electrowetting type configuration. Electrowetting Workshop, Rochester, USA. May 2006.

File: "EW Rochester May 2006.pdf"

"Electrowetting of liquid marbles".
A presentation of ideas on how an applied voltage will cause a deformation of a liquid marble. IoP Biodielectrics meeting, Leicester, UK. April 2006.

File: "Biodielectrics Electrowetting April 2006 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2005

"Analysis of the evaporation of water droplets from textured surfaces".
A talk on the evaporation of droplets from superhydrophobic surfaces given at an EU COST D19 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. September 2005.

File: "Evaporation on SH September 2005.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A research seminar at Southampton University, UK. September 2005.

File: "Soton Seminar September 2005.pdf"

"Electrowetting on superhydrophobic SU-8 patterned surfaces".
A talk at Eurosensors on early attempts to perform electrowetting on a superhydrophobic surface, Barcelona. August 2005.

File: "EWOD Eurosensors August 2005.pdf"

"Soil Water Repellency: A materials view".
A discussion of how superhydrophobicity might relate to naturally occurring extreme water repellency, at the European Geoscience Union Congress, Vienna, Austria. April 2005.

File: "EGU Soil April 2005 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Hydrophobic effects and acoustic wave response".
A talk to the Acoustic Wave Based Sensors Workshop describing possible hydrophobic effects on acoustic wave sensor response, Germany. April 2005.

File: "AWS April 2005 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Acoustic waves for liquid phase sensing".
An invited talk describing acoustic wave sensors at the Biosensors & Biomaterials Workshop in Tsukuba, Japan. March 2005.

File: "Japan March 2005 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2004

"Electrowetting of superhydrophobic surfaces".
A presentation of ideas about the possibility of electrowetting of droplets ona range of different types of superhydrophobic surfaces. Blaubeuren, Germany. September 2004.

File: "EWOD on SH September 2004.pdf"

"Superhydrophobic surfaces".
A year 1 Physics taster seminar at Nottingham, UK. March 2004.

File: "NTU Frontiers Talk March 2004.pdf"

Presentations 2003

"Super-wetting and super-spreading".
A progress talk on superwetting at a EU COST D19 working group meeting at NTU, UK. December 2003.

File: "NTU COST Superwetting December 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Nanoporous superhydrophobic layers from sol-gels ".
A talk on sol-gel approaches to superhydrophobic surfaces given at a COST D19 working group meeting, Nottingham. December 2003.

File: "NTU COST Sol Gel December 2003.pdf"

"Lithographic and electrochemical approaches to superhydrophobic surfaces".
A talk on lithographic and electrochemical approaches to superhydrophobic surfaces given at a COST D19 working group meeting, Nottingham. December 2003.

File: "NTU COST Lithography and Electrochemical December 2003.pdf"

"Production of micro- and nanoporous superhydrophobic layers from sol-gels".
A talk on sol-gel approaches to superhydrophobic surfaces given at Mulhouse, France. October 2003.

File: "Mulhouse October 2003.pdf"

"Superhydrophobicity: Implications for quartz crystal resonators".
A talk to the Acoustic Wave Based Sensors Workshop speculating on hydrophobic effects on acoustic wave sensor response, Paris. April 2003.

File: "Paris April 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Dynamic wetting of structured surfaces".
A talk at a European Science Foundation sponsored meeting on Solid/Fluid Interfaces in Spain. March 2003.

File: "Spain March 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Acoustic waves for gas and liquid phase sensing".
An invited talk on Acoustic Wave Based Sensors given at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, USA. January 2003.

File: "Sandia January 2003 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Acoustic waves for gas and liquid phase sensing".
A research seminar on acoustic wave sensors given at Surrey University, UK. January 2003.

File: "Surrey Seminar January 2003.pdf"

Presentations 2002

"Physical and chemical design of superhydrophobic/hydrophilic surfaces".
A talk on the NTU research on superhydrophobic and superwetting surfaces at an NTU COST D19 working group meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. December 2002.

File: "Istanbul December 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"EP-SAW for measurement of atmospheric particulate matter".
A talk at the US Electrochemical Society meeting on an Electrostatic Precipitator Surface Acoustic Wave Sensor for particulate monitoring. Salt Lake City, USA. October 2002.

File: "Salt Lake City EPSAW 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Layer-guided acoustic wave sensors".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors at Eurosensors. Prague, Czech Republic. September 2002.

File: "Eurosensors September 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Gas and liquid phase sensitivity of Love waves".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors at the Electrochemical Society. Salt Lake City, USA. October 2002.

File: "McHale ECS Salt Lake Layer Guided for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Layer-guided SH-APM sensors".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors. USA. May 2002.

File: "UFFC May 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

Presentations 2001

"Love waves: Theory and experiment".
A talk to the Institute of Physics Physical Acoustics Group describing acoustic wave sensor principles. London, UK. December 2001.

File: "IOP Acoustics December 2001.pdf"